The Societal Innovation and Enterprise Forum (SIEF) has its roots in the Durham Symposium held in 2015 to celebrate the 50 year anniversary of the Small Business Centre created by Allan.
It’s aimed, in Allan’s words, are to “act as a catalyst for social and economic innovation, stimulate debate and innovative thinking, develop new models and programmes, thereby contributing to inclusive and sustainable regional development, and harnessing the contribution of the independent owner-managed business and other stakeholders.”
SIEF stands as a lasting testimony to this bold vision. Hosted by Dr Susan Frenk at St Aidan’s College, Durham University, the SIEF provides the home for the series of webinars it is hosting to celebrate Allan’s ideas and concepts, and will also host the celebration event for Allan in September 2022.
Click here for a reflective report on the Durham Symposium 2015 at which we celebrated 50 years of the Small Business Centre at Durham University Business School and its successor department called the Foundation for SME Development.